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Performance Video
Age: 28
High School / Track Club:
South Dade Sr High/ Greater Boston Track Club
College: Harvard University
Place of Birth:
Miami, FL
Events: Hammer
Personal Records & Year:
64.24m (2009)
Accomplishments in Track & Field to Date: Jamaican
National Record-Holder - Hammer (2009); 8-time Jamaican National
Champion; 3rd place Central American and Caribbean Championships
(2003); 2003 NCAA All-American (9th Place); America East, Boston
University Record-Holder (2003); NSCA All-American (2002); Ivy
League, Heptagonal Games, Harvard University Record-Holder -
Hammer (2002); Heptagonal Games, Harvard University Record-Holder
- 20lb weight throw (2001)
Goals for 2010:
Medal at Commonwealth Games
Long Term Goals: Being competitive and making
the final at London 2012
Athlete Most Admired & Why: Koji Murofushi,
Ph.D. He is an outstanding athlete and hammer thrower, a friendly
individual and a superior student of the event.